June 22,2008 Me and the three monkeys flew to Erie,CO. just thirty minutes north of Denver. Yes, me alone with three boys! Lamar stayed behind and worked while I went to visit Nicole and her family for a week. Let me first state that Lamar loves his family, he would even get escorted out of the airport just to make sure I made it through security with the boys!! And he even came back in just to make sure I was through since he got escorted out and he didn't get to see. Gotta love him!!! Coop fell asleep on the plane, thank goodness! The week went by fast with lots of memories. We went to Boulder were the kids got to play in a splash pond. We went to the Denver Zoo, which was amazing! Coolest animals and the kids got the raddest snow globes that ended up being confiscated at the airport! Very sad! Then we went to the Rocky Mountain National Forest and Estes Park. Beautiful!!! We drove all the way around the forest and ended up on the other side of the earth and eventually got back home, 4 hours later! Nicole And I were terrified because for a lot of the drive there wasn't any guardrails and we drove up very curvy mountains! The airport was a nightmare coming back. First, they decided to randomly search me and the boys. Yeah, me only adult and three kids!! They took the snow globes, emptied Coops bottle of water, and opened all of our bags! The kids were crying because they collect snow globes, so being the awesome mom I am, I decide, why not go through all this again and go mail these back to my house at the little postal office , problem solved. I get a pass to get out of line and do this and what do you know, the postal office there at the airport is closed on Sunday. A very nice airport worker saw my dilemma and offered to mail them for me and he came through for us. But, they arrived completely shattered!!! I'm sure your laughing or crying for me in which I've done both!
Thanks, Nic for the fun times!!